Thursday, April 28, 2011

Rough Night

Edgy is still feverish and sickly.  His temperature was 101.6 yesterday evening and didn't go down all night.  He was really suffering by bedtime and it looked like we were in for a rough night so I opted for acetaminophen.  Luckily, once it kicked in, we all got a good night's rest.  So far today he is still a little warm and obviously suffering but it hasn't completely ruined his good spirit.  Considering my slight cold I'm assuming he is fighting some type of illness but why does this always happen when he's getting a tooth?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rain, Rain

Well, spring is in full force and so are the storms.  The rain is coming with a vengeance and many in our area wondering if we will see another flood.

The molar rears his ugly head

Poor Edgy.  His first molar just erupted.  I happen to notice it after digging in his mouth for the umpteenth time(he sticks everything in there).  Considering Edgy's standard calm behavior, I really didn't give it a second thought.  That is until today.  Runny nose, slight fever, extreme clingyness, all signs present to tell me what we are dealing with.  Between the spring storms, Dizzy's frequent night wakings, and now this there is very little sleep here in the small house.

Welcome Home

My name is VegMom and if the name and title doesn't give any indication, I am in fact vegetarian.  I will also admit now, to the world, that I am also very lazy aka loves to veg out.  I will talk about my favorite recipes, my current crafty projects, and my two wonderful sons Dizzy and Edgy and how I manage (or not) to balance it all.    So follow me on my Veggin adventures.