Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Yay for K!

On Friday was had an opportunity to attend "KinderCamp" at Dizzy's future school.  VegDad took the morning off to join Dizzy and Me while Edgy stayed home with his Nana so we could fully participate.  When we arrived we were sent to the library for a welcome speech by the principal and an overview of the agenda.  Dizzy quickly found his current school friend so we stuck with him as we all divided into small groups.  Next, we toured the school with a current fourth grade student and a PTO parent as our guides.  We have already toured the school twice before but seeing it with the larger group of incoming students made the fact of Dizzy becoming a kindergartener feel even more real.  Plus, this time we had an opportunity to observe classrooms for a few minutes and luckily the Principal joined our small tour group so we were able to ask questions directly to her.  After our tour was completed, all the KinderCampers and parents met in the library where we heard a story from the librarian who is also a storyteller.  Next, everyone moved on to a classroom where the future students received a short Spanish lesson.  Dizzy sat at the very front and was very attentive during the whole lesson.  When the lesson was completed we moved on to another classroom where we were greeted by current Kindergarteners who give the kids a presentation of what Kindergarten will be like.  Once again, Dizzy sat at full attention, eager to take it all in.  When the presentation was finished, we moved on to the playground where we spent the rest of our time. 

Here are a couple of positive observations I made during those two hours.
*This school atmosphere is incredible!  The rooms and halls are all decorated with colorful art and it feels very personal and eclectic. 
*Dizzy did wonderful!  While several of the other children were timid and stuck to their parent's side, Dizzy was more interested in charging ahead of the group or sticking with his friend.  I couldn't help but notice with wonder.

Here are some concerns I have.
*There is no naps at all.  Thanks to testing requirements and No Child Left Behind, naps are a thing of the past.  I'm not that worried considering Dizzy rarely takes naps but I do hope they have a little bit of down time so that he isn't a whiny mess when it's time to come home.   Granted he usually lasts through his 5 hour preschool just fine but considering he passed out (see below) after a two hour KinderCamp, I'm a little worried.
*Lunch is early, like 10:30 early.  In our house that is the average Breakfast time.  I know we do need to get on a better schedule but I can't fathom eating Lunch that early.

Overall it was great to once again visit the place that Dizzy will be for the next 5 years.  I can't help but pat myself on the back for making neighborhood friends earlier on and enabling Dizzy to have a early start at knowing his future classmates.  Hopefully he won't feel like he is alone when that scary first day comes.
Exhausted from school.